My goal is to help your restaurant maximize profits with an outstanding vegan menu and customer service.

I love delicious food and have always enjoyed dining at restaurants with my family and friends. Raised as an omnivore for the first 20 years of my life, I never had a problem eating out and loved trying different cuisines, but that changed when I transitioned to a vegan diet. Suddenly, it became challenging to eat at the same restaurants, and it still is today. It is still common for plant-based and vegan customers to experience mistakes and miscommunication with staff. Due to frequent errors and lackluster dishes, vegan customers are often hesitant to dine at hospitality businesses that are not confidently serving them.

Today, the vegan market is booming with popularity, and food sustainability is a central component. More people are eating plant-based than ever before for their health, the environment, and the animals. I am professionally trained by Vegan Hospitality to solve your problem of unintentionally pushing away plant-based customers and confidently adapt to the plant-based market. As a natural problem-solver, your success is my #1 goal. Utilizing the method of High Impact Hospitality Consulting, I plan and execute a detailed, individualized strategy to help your restaurant overcome the obstacle of serving and attracting plant-based customers.

I believe that adapting to the plant-based market and confidently attracting vegan customers is the best investment your hospitality business can make today. I know, change is scary. It is easier to keep your traditional menu and service that way it is than adapt to a huge learning curve. But the numbers don’t lie. The plant-based movement is only just getting started. Stay ahead of your competitors and book your free strategy session today to maximize your restaurant’s profits and potential. Hundreds of new customers will thank you by frequenting your restaurant and ordering from your improved, creative vegan menu.

– Erin

Definitely Thai cuisine!

Always coffee. I love a good cappuccino with oat milk!

Pigs are so sweet and intelligent.

A Few Fun Facts About Me

My Journey To Veganism

2014: I Ditched eggs & dairy

I eliminated eggs and milk from my diet after I found out that I was intolerant. 

Fun fact: did you know that Oreos are vegan? “Milk’s Favorite Cookies” do NOT contain animal milk!

2015: I was served dog meat

While staying with a host family in Thailand, I was served dog meat for dinner (yes, a stray dog). A few days later, we were served a pig on a spit. I started to think about the ethics of eating animals. How was the dog different from the pig served for dinner?

2016: I reduced my meat consumption

Since I was still dairy and egg-free, a local vegan cafe became my go-to hangout spot. I became close friends with someone who had been vegan for more than half their life! They inspired me to reduce my meat consumption and eat mostly plant-based for environmental and health reasons.

2017: I became vegan

One day, I realized that I hadn’t eaten meat in over a week and decided to continue.

2019: I Experienced the best vegan customer service

I traveled to Aruba with my family and had the most incredible vegan customer service and dining experiences. I found out that those establishments used Vegan Hospitality‘s consulting services.

2020: I was trained in High Impact Hospitality Consulting

I became professionally trained in High Impact Hospitality Consulting by Vegan Hospitality and launched Next Generation Vegan.

2021: I Graduated from a Vegan Culinary Program

I graduated from an Aspiring Chef program at Vegan Fusion Culinary Academy in Boulder, Colorado to fine-tune my culinary skills and better serve my clients.

Ready to adapt to the plant-based movement?

The vegan market is expanding every day. Get started today!

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